Because of my Mum, I never feared birth

Julia Kitching’s journey into the world of hypnobirthing and birth support wasn’t driven by fear, but by fascination—thanks to her mother. Growing up, Julia’s mum shared stories of her own birth experience with such positivity that it shaped Julia’s entire view of childbirth. “My mum told me birth wasn’t painful, just uncomfortable and intense,” Julia recalls. “She always reassured me that our bodies are designed to give birth, and that being calm and relaxed is key.” 

With such positive conditioning from a young age, Julia never feared birth; she embraced it, eagerly anticipating the day she could experience it for herself.

It’s no surprise that Julia found herself drawn to the role of a doula and hypnobirthing teacher. Her enthusiasm for empowering women through their pregnancy and birth journeys has its roots in her own positive outlook, and she now dedicates her career to helping other women achieve the same mindset through her business BABA (Birth And Beyond Assistance) where she provides hypnobirthing and doula services.

I was born to be a birth worker and support women and families,” she says. “When the doula calling became too strong, I surrendered to it, and I’m so glad that I did.” Julia firmly believes that fear doesn’t have to be a part of birth, and that with the right knowledge, support, and mindset, everyone can have a positive experience.

Although she tells the story of her mother’s honesty and positivity having a clear impact on Julia in her own childhood, it was her personal birth experiences that further reinforced her passion. 

When her first child was born via emergency caesarean, she felt a sense of disappointment, as though she’d been denied the natural birth she’d always dreamed of. But instead of letting this discourage her, it fueled her determination. 

With her second child, she was adamant about having a natural vaginal birth and successfully achieved a VBAC (Vaginal Birth After Caesarean). “It was everything my mum had described,” she says. “A magical, positive experience, and I’m so glad I trusted my body and instincts.

Now, Julia channels her passion into supporting other women, offering hypnobirthing classes and doula services to ensure they feel prepared, calm, and in control during their births. “A positive mindset increases positive outcomes,” Julia explains. 

But there’s much more substance to Julia’s work than positive thinking alone. Through her work, she educates women on their birth rights and helps them make informed decisions, ensuring they have the tools to create a positive birth experience. She also supports partners, giving them confidence in their role, and teaches practical techniques to help both the mother and partner remain calm throughout the process. On Julia’s website, BABA Doula Services you can even find a free video guide for birth partners Birth Partner Guide and a free video on how to use a birthing ball in pregnancy, labour, birth & postpartum. How To Use A Birthing Ball.

What sets Julia apart is her genuine enthusiasm for birth and the belief that it can be a beautiful experience, no matter the circumstances.

Her experience provides her with an honest and realistic take on this – her own initial disappointment after her first birth experience shaping how she now supports others.

Her clients often come to her feeling anxious and uncertain, but after just one session, they feel empowered. Julia finds great satisfaction in seeing women transform from being fearful to excited. “It’s amazing to see them believe in themselves and their bodies,” she says. “When they start to feel confident, I know I’ve done my job well.”

Her work extends beyond just the birth itself. Julia offers comprehensive support from pre-conception through to postpartum, providing both emotional and practical guidance. “Continuity of care is so important,” she says. Julia is deeply committed to ensuring that women and families receive the ongoing support they need, whether it’s navigating fertility challenges, preparing for birth, or adjusting to life with a new baby.

Continuity of Care, where families are supported by familiar professionals throughout their pregnancy, labour and recovery, is something the NHS has been working to improve in recent years. But with budget cuts, a major staffing crisis and logistical constraints, the NHS hasn’t been able to come close to meeting it’s own targets on this in most NHS trusts.

This makes the work of people like Julia even more important in supporting families, being a familiar face who understands their fears, concerns and preferences throughout the pregnancy journey.

But Julia’s input can actually start much earlier. “As a birth and postnatal Doula, I once received a call from a lady’s husband asking me about my doula services. He explained that him and his wife were due to start IVF and felt that a doula would be so beneficial for them. We had a long chat and the more we chatted, the more I realised that my support doesn’t start at pregnancy, when a family receive that first positive pregnancy test.

Julia’s support can start pre-conception and during the fertility stage. “I knew that I could really help couples during this period of time in their life. My hypnobirthing skills and Doula support could help them to create a positive mindset and support them emotionally too. The mind can have a huge influence on the body and having a positive mindset during the fertility journey is so important.” 

Going through IVF or trying to conceive, can be a terribly lonely journey. It can be emotional and very turbulent too. Having someone there, to hold your hand, listen to you, advocate for you and signpost you to information can be so beneficial at any stage of your parental journey. That’s when I decided to expand my Doula support from fertility, right through to postpartum.

With big plans for the future, Julia is passionate about growing her business and expanding her services.

She dreams of reaching more families and raising awareness of the magic of hypnobirthing, helping more women understand just how empowering birth can be. “I want people to know how important their birth experience is and to start making it a priority,” Julia says. Her vision is clear: to support more families, educate more women, and help transform birth from something feared into something truly beautiful.

For Julia, helping women have positive birth experiences isn’t just a job—it’s her calling. And with her passion, positivity, and unwavering dedication, she’s changing the way women approach birth, one family at a time. It makes us question here at Pregnancy Pal: What if every mother spoke to their daughter so positively about birth? 

Want to get Julia’s ‘Birth Tips For A Better Birth’?

Or Julia’s free video on how to use a birthing ball during pregnancy, labour, birth and postpartum?


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